Frequently Asked Questions
These are good news for you; in a joint effort to assist customers, we’ve found through the sale of the loans, the best mechanism to make available tailored solutions for willingness to pay customers.
This means that we understand that sometimes we could face extraordinary out of our hands situations, so if you are a willingness to pay customer, we are here to assist. Your credit history will not have any immediate change with the sale, but we promise to work side by side with you to improve your current situation and achieve financial health soon.
There are no changes to any terms of your loan(s), nor any undergoing negotiations you may have with the bank, everything continues the same, but a new pool of possibilities will be available for you soon. If you have other accounts/products maintained with Scotiabank, this sale will not impact them. For more information please contact us.
That is correct, we will honor any undergoing negotiations you already have with the bank. However, you need to start paying to Genesis PII. Communicate with us, as soon as possible, to guide you on this process.
We will honor your agreement with ScotiaBank, we just need to know more about you, and we will help you to pay your debt as soon as possible.
You need to start making payments to Genesis PII. Please go to the top section “Make a Payment” to have more information, or communicate with our customer service representatives to receive more information.

We are constantly strengthening our network to give you as many options as possible. Reason why we are working side by side with the top performance recovery companies in the market.
To see the list of companies we are currently working with, please
If you have been in communication with one of these companies, please continue in the same way. To locate your loan(s) or for further assistance you can
Or you can make your payments:
Directly in our bank account through Scotibank Bill Payment Services. You just need to select GENESIS PII BELIZE from the list of registered providers and use your loan number/personal identification number as a reference.
GENESIS PII understands that there are many reasons an individual may experience a financial hardship that makes it difficult to make a payment or a payment arrangement on one’s account.
We are here to help, speak with a customer service representative to discuss your options.
Yes, please communicate with our customer service representatives to receive more information.